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2023 April Restricted Do Not Call Dates

Calls to these States on restricted Do Not Call (DNC) dates could result in a potential State violation:

State Restricted Do Not Call Dates

April 7, 2023 – Good Friday

  • Louisiana, Pennsylvania

April 24, 2023 - Confederate Memorial Day

  • Alabama, Mississippi

Canadian Restricted Do Not Call Dates

April 7, 2023 – Good Friday

  • National, except Quebec

April 10, 2023 – Easter Monday

  • Quebec only

Webinar Recap: The FCC's NPRM - What's Next?

We recently broadcast a webinar titled The FCC's NPRM - What's Next? Our host, Contact Center Compliance’s Chief Product Officer Isaac Shloss, and our guest, MacMurray & Shuster Partner Michele Shuster, discussed the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) ongoing process of implementing its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on lead generation and text messaging.

Gigi Sohn Withdraws Nomination as FCC Commissioner

The long, unusual saga of President Joe Biden’s attempts to fully staff the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has taken another unexpected twist with Gigi Sohn’s announcement that she has withdrawn her nomination to fill the long vacant fifth commissioner seat.

Court Allows TCPA Claims by Serial Plaintiff to Go to Trial

Earlier this month, a magistrate judge allowed a Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) complaint filed by a notorious serial plaintiff to move forward to trial despite evidence potentially indicating that his claims were manufactured. This decision demonstrates the risks that these sorts of serial plaintiffs pose.