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Call Center Compliance | Contact Center Compliance | DNC Solutions

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Using Technology to Follow the Key Rules and Regulations

TCPA regulations are dynamic and technology is always advancing. Keeping up with the latest tools to maintain compliance can be overwhelming, which is why we're here to help. Our trusted suite of cloud-based compliance solutions leverages the most comprehensive consumer contact information enabling call centers to quickly and easily adhere to the latest Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and Do Not Call (DNC) regulations. Schedule some time with us to learn more.

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Our recommended do not call solutions for Call Center Compliance.


The TCPA restricts against calls to landline phone numbers that are on the National Do Not Call Registry. You must remove phone numbers listed on the National DNC list and individual state registries where applicable. Our flagship product, DNCScrub® enables companies to centralize DNC scrubs with Federal and State Lists and maximize contactable leads by applying relevant exemptions for DNC and TCPA compliance. Learn more about DNCScrub®.

Litigator Scrub®

A significant amount of TCPA litigation is brought by a small group of lawyers and firms who specialize in it. According to a U.S. Chamber Institute of Legal Reform study, 60% of TCPA lawsuits over a 17-month period between 2015 and 2016 were brought by just 44 law firms or lawyers. These sorts of litigators are clever, adaptive, and highly skilled at slipping into lead generation programs unnoticed and building massive class-action lawsuits right under your nose. Our award-winning Litigator Scrub® identifies hidden litigators before you contact them. Learn more about Litigator Scrub®.

Wireless ID℠

Under the TCPA, you may only use an automatic telephone dialing system (ATDS) to call cell phones belonging to consumers who have given their express written consent and opted-in to your program. Individual states also have specific laws preventing calls to wireless numbers. As a result, identifying wireless phone numbers as distinct from landline numbers is a key element of any TCPA compliance strategy. Wireless ID℠ identifies numbers with a wireless prefix, numbers in wireless no call states, and phone numbers that had previously been assigned to landlines but have now been ported to wireless. Wireless numbers can be identified in real-time or in batch processing. Learn more about our data enhancement services.


“Spam Likely” alerts and the related call blocking features are recently developed elements of many caller ID systems. Of course, they can be a problem for legitimate telemarketers whose calls are being misidentified as spam. TrustCall® is a real-time monitoring and alerts dashboard that provides actionable intelligence to help you address unwanted “spam likely” caller ID call labeling and blocking issues. Proactively monitor the trust reputation of your outposted ANI numbers and get email notifications when it could directly impact your call deliverability. Learn more about TrustCall®.

Compliance Guide™

Sifting through the vast array of confusing, conflicting, and often outdated publicly-available information about the TCPA, the Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR), and state-level laws and regulations can be a bewildering undertaking. Fortunately, we provide an easy-to-use Compliance Guide™ for contact center professionals. Backed by leading compliance attorneys, the guide contains powerful tools to help you analyze the laws and manage your company’s specific exposure to DNC and TCPA regulations within the compliance telemarketing space. Learn more about the Compliance Guide.

API Connectivity

Integrate your CRM directly with our API or with one of our many integration partners.  Get protection right in your CRM form professional litigators, reassigned wireless numbers, mishandled VoIP numbers and state violations, including calling time, state holidays & emergencies. Your CRM is updated automatically and in real-time to help you reduce costly compliance errors.

Custom Enterprise Solutions

Businesses of different sizes require different TCPA compliance solutions. In particular, large corporations require solutions tailored to match the needs that the size and complexity of their business engenders. We can provide flexibility and customized services specifically geared toward business that require an enterprise-level solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a contact center compliance checklist I can use?

We have numerous guides and call center compliance checklists that apply to different aspects of compliance, helping you to manage risk depending on your specific needs. Click here for a full list.

Can your DNC solutions help my call center manage risk

Yes. Building a solid DNC compliance framework is a key pillar in any risk management strategy for your call center.

What are the rules and requirements for text messaging from a call center?

As far as the courts and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) are concerned, text messages are regulated exactly the same as voice calls. Therefore, all of your TCPA and DNC compliance call center procedures that you implement for voice calls should be applied to any text messaging campaigns.

Why is Call Center Compliance Important?

The costs of failing to maintain call center compliance can be significant. DNC violations carry penalties as high as $43,792 per call. TCPA violations carry penalties as high as $1,500 per call. And thanks to the TCPA’s private right of action, long statute of limitations, and uncapped statutory damages, class action settlements and verdicts routinely cost millions of dollars and can even reach as high as hundreds of millions of dollars. Beyond the monetary damages, failure to maintain compliance can cause irreparable brand damage.

How can I automate compliance in my call center?

Our RESTful API makes it easy to automate contact compliance on your preferred CRM for both inbound and outbound campaigns for optimal call center regulatory compliance.

How Can Call Centers Stay Compliant with the Most Important Regulations?

Call centers can stay compliant with the most important Federal and State regulations by completing routine compliance audits, using a comprehensive compliance scrubbing solution, and making use of other telemarketing compliance services.


Want to learn more? Schedule a meeting with us.

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