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TCPA Compliance Webinars

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Watch our compliance webinars, featuring various experts. Contact Center Compliance presents an ongoing series of TCPA Compliance Webinars  throughout the year. Don't miss out! Register now for our next webinar.

Chevron is No More - Why This Matters for the Future of Advocacy

The law is often unclear and open to interpretation, inevitably creating risk when operating around those gray areas.  A 1984 ruling found that governing agencies (such as the EPA in this specific case) had the authority to provide interpretation for laws they administer, and that interpretation would be upheld in court to settle many of these disputes.  Since then, an argument was commonly made that courts, not agencies, were better equipped to settle these differences.  Last mont

Stop Wrong Number Lawsuits! Maine Protects Callers & Consumers Making RND Mandatory (Effective August)

This spring, Maine became the first state in the US to require telemarketers to utilize the Reassigned Numbers Database (RND) before calling residents. This law offers a unique benefit: it protects both businesses and consumers. Businesses can avoid costly wrong-number lawsuits by verifying phone numbers through the RND. Consumers, on the other hand, are shielded from receiving calls intended for the previous owner of their phone number.

Florida has sent precedents (both good and bad) for regulations in the customer contact and lead gen space.  As they conclude their 2024 legislative session, our guest speaker – a prominent attorney specializing in TCPA and related regulations – will provide a year-end summary of significant bills from the Sunshine State.

Calling all dialers stuck in the past! The formula for call delivery is a moving target, and yesterday's golden goose might be today's red flag. This session cracks the code on the 2024 landscape, revealing the latest changes and analytics. Skyrocket your answer rates by staying up to date. Register Now!

On January 29th, U.S. Representative Frank Pallone (D-NJ) introduced the “Do Not Disturb Act,” a bill that would strengthen the FTC’s and FCC’s robocall enforcement regime. As a part of this act, solicitation calling hours may be cut by five hours a day, inbound calls may receive additional protections, and new disclosures and rules around AI could be required. Join our panel as we discuss the details of these proposals and how they can potentially impact your operations.

Congressman Frank Pallone, known for the Pallone-Thune TRACED Act, has introduced a bill redefining "robocalls" under the TCPA, potentially affecting dialing platform legality. Join experts Eric Troutman, Puja Amin, and Isaac Shloss for a concise discussion on the bill's industry impact.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has opened the floor for a crucial discussion, inviting comments on the potential impact of their recent December 13th ruling on small businesses. This development raises several pivotal questions.  Join us on Jan 16, 2024, at 12:00 PM to explore these crucial topics and learn how to navigate the changing landscape.

On November 15, 2023, the FCC initiated a significant step towards comprehending the intricate relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and the prevalence of robocalls and robotexts. This move highlights the growing recognition of AI's influence on our communications landscape and the need for proactive measures to address potential challenges. To shed light on this critical topic, CCC's Isaac Shloss and Carlton Fields' Aaron Weiss will be hosting an informative webinar.

While many of us are familiar with the concept of 'Know Your Customer' (KYC), how many of us have established a robust procedure for evaluating our vendors? It's not just about choosing a vendor but ensuring they align with your organization's standards and regulations. For instance, when it comes to TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) regulations, have you clearly delineated roles and responsibilities? It's crucial to remember that outsourcing a function doesn't mean you're outsourcing accountability.