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TCPA Compliance Webinars

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Watch our compliance webinars, featuring various experts. Contact Center Compliance presents an ongoing series of TCPA Compliance Webinars  throughout the year. Don't miss out! Register now for our next webinar.

In May 2022, Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt signed the Oklahoma Telephone Solicitation Act of 2022 (OTSA) into law. Much like the previous year’s Florida Telephone Solicitation Act (FTSA), it functions as a state-level, miniature version of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). It mimics the federal law’s enforcement mechanisms and penalties and, like the Florida law, centers on autodialer restrictions that are significantly broader than those found within the TCPA’s regulations. The law took effect on November 1, 2022. Join Arvell Craig and Oklahoma attorney Aaron Tiftt as we break down everything you need to know about Oklahoma's new Mini-TCPA.
Join us on September 15 at 10 am PST for an exclusive look at 9 reasons your caller ID is labeled spam likely and what you must do to start fixing them.


Michigan is now proposing its own mini-TCPA. The Michigan Telephone Solicitation Act ( House Bill 6307 ) has recently been introduced with a massive size and scope that businesses need to know about. This bill combines a more expansive robocall restriction than the TCPA, huge UDAAP elements of the TSR, and a remarkably unusual protection of “vulnerable numbers” that looks like Elder Abuse protections.

Join us as Eric J. Troutman and Arvell Craig break down this new act and talk about how it could affect your business.

Eric J. Troutman and Arvell Craig discuss the factors that expose companies to TCPA class actions and the main leading causes of them. If you haven’t heard there have been MAJOR developments in terms of what does, and does not, constitute an enforceable arbitration provision and consent provision. Plus the risk from wrong number calling continues to soar in the class action context. Do you understand what differentiates regular lawsuits from class actions and how to thwart certification? Are you up to speed on the new critical developments impacting this space? Is your compliance and legal team effectively information your marketing and partners to reduce your risks major exposure? This webinar is a MUST see presentation for direct to consumer marketer, lead generators ad buyers. Join us as we look at factors that expose companies to class actions and the two leading causes.
Eric J. Troutman and Aaron S. Weiss join us for a deep dive into the most important ATDS cases of the last year. Arvell Craig will host and we will end the session with a live Q&A.
It’s a new year but TCPA suits have continued to pour in. Despite the ruling in Facebook, ATDS cases are still cluttering the court’s dockets. But DNC and prerecorded calls cases are really exploding right now.
Here’s the TCPA Law of the Land Half a Year After the Big Supreme Court Ruling Hard to believe it has been six months already, but it's true. Half a year has elapsed since the Supreme Court’s big ruling in Facebook v. Duguid and dozens of rulings have been handed down by the courts since. Developments move quickly and we know it can be tough to keep track. As a result, we’ve brought in the Czar to break it all down for you. Eric J. Troutman—renowned TCPA Czar and editor in chief of—identified all the biggest trends and critical takeaways in a wholly-new presentation prepared just for this webinar.
Join us as we unwrap the newly implemented Florida Telemarketing bill (CS/SB 1120). Florida TCPA-expert Aaron S. Weiss, Partner at Carlton Fields will sit down with Neal Kent to discuss the new regulation and what it means for businesses marketing in the state of Florida.
Esteemed speakers Eric J. Troutman, Czar of TCPAWorld and our own Neal Kent return for the 4th installment of our masterclass series on Consent Revocation. This 1-hour masterclass will be followed by a 30 minute Q&A session.