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TCPA Compliance Webinars

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Watch our compliance webinars, featuring various experts. Contact Center Compliance presents an ongoing series of TCPA Compliance Webinars  throughout the year. Don't miss out! Register now for our next webinar.

The big decision is in! Esteemed speaker and subject matter expert, Eric J. Troutman, unwraps the Supreme Court's decision and answers questions to explain EXACTLY what the impact of the Supreme Court’s ruling is for your business. He gives you everything you need to know in his patented “plain speak” style.

Hear from our featured speakers, David Kaminski, nationally recognized TCPA legal expert helping marketers avoid the compliance minefield. Plus, learn how A.C. Evans, CEO of Drips, uses their proprietary conversational marketing that supercharges lead flow and quality conversion for clients.
How to grow business in this “new” work from home environment. Hear how companies have supercharged their outbound campaigns with a look at their tools, technologies, and strategies. Learn how to stay within the demands of a TCPA compliant environment in the haste to recapture lost business or grow new business.
A roundtable conversation around compliance and solar lead generation with experts in data and technology.
The (TCPA) world is on fire anew. After a brief respite, class action filings are increasing, FTC and FCC actions are increasing and the case law—particularly around ATDS—is suddenly moving in a powerfully unfavorable direction. Add in the massive changes caused by the speed-to-remote environment imposed by the COVID PLAGUE, and we have a perfect recipe for data breaches, fraudulent leads, and hyper-sensitive regulators shutting down marketing and collection calls across the nation.
It’s easier than ever for consumers to file TCPA complaints for unwanted calls – between growing awareness and apps that let them file complaints at the touch of the button, the risk of fines is too big to ignore any longer. When the Today Show started talking about the Robo Revenge app, our inboxes started filling up fast! Companies of all sizes that use online lead generation are rightfully worried about these peer-to-peer lawsuits. If you’re not worried about the risk of TCPA complaints eating away at your profits, you’re not paying attention.
Keeping up with the TCPA requires careful study and excellent counsel. But more importantly, it requires the storage of data—lots of it. From transactional phone logs, to call recordings and express consent documents, call center operators, lead generators, and platform providers collect huge swatches of data to assure optimal TCPA compliance. With California’s NEW CCPA rules coming into place in January 2020 numerous questions arise in addressing the interplay between these two complex statutes.
The deadline to comply with CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) is fast approaching. Learn how to equip your company for this monumental consumer privacy rule and how fraud prevention and TCPA risk mitigation go hand in hand with 3 leading experts on CCPA, fraud detection, and TCPA litigation. 
This free, on-demand webinar will equip mobile marketers with the essential TCPA knowledge needed to market on this medium while avoiding costly fines and common traps used by predatory TCPA litigators. Get a deep dive into TCPA compliance and text message marketing.