How many area codes can I subscribe to for free?
Your first 5 area codes are free. After that, you must pay a per-area-code fee.
Your first 5 area codes are free. After that, you must pay a per-area-code fee.
You must subscribe to every area code that you will be calling. You do not need to purchase a SAN for area codes that you will not call.
If a seller purchases some sort of telemarketing services from a telemarketer or service provider, the seller must share its Subscription Account Number (SAN) with that provider. But outside of this particular business relationship, nobody may share SANs with anyone else.
This number can be obtained directly from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at
According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), “Every Seller should subscribe, pay the appropriate fee, and agree to the certification requirements to receive a Subscription Account Number (SAN) with the National Do Not Call Registry.”
If you are a for-profit seller that directly (or indirectly through vendors) makes outbound calls to sell goods or services to residential telephone numbers, and you do not fall under any applicable exemption, then you must purchase a subscription to the National Do Not Call (DNC) Registry.
For more information, click HERE.