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FCC Goes After the Little Guys Too!

We are used to seeing the FCC and the FTC go after the big fish--larger companies who have generated numerous complaints and usually thousands of  alleged violations.

February State Holiday Calling Alerts

Don't overlook state regulations during this month including Presidents' Day on February 16th. There are also restrictions for Marti Gras (strange but true).  Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Rhode Island, and Utah all prohibit outbound calls on Presidents' Day, February 16th. 

Twitter Loses Motion to Dismiss in Nunes v. Twitter TCPA case

Twitter recently had their motion to dismiss denied in a case that presents several alarming legal trends for the call center industry.  Two primary issues stand out in this case. First, the number that received a text message from Twitter was a “recycled” number.

Happy New year from the TCPA!

2014 saw an increase in TCPA litigation, especially class action litigation, as well as significant FTC and FCC enforcement.  In 2014, we grappled with what the new “written consent” standard meant, and dozens of TCPA-related petitions were filed with the FCC.  New risks related to VoIP and wireless lines emerged. 

Contact Center Compliance Announces Litigator Scrub®

Litigator Scrub® mitigates TCPA and related lawsuit risk by identifying potential litigator traps in your data before you call known plaintiffs and attorneys. Protect your business from costly serial plaintiffs and class actions by removing these numbers today.