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TCPA for Text Messaging

In the world of marketing, different dialing methods carry different amounts of risk relating to potential Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) violations. Text messaging platforms are among the most widely used dialing methods and, thanks to constantly evolving court, the nature and extent of its risk is frequently changing.

Top 5 Risks for Inbound Calling Centers

Telemarketers must often navigate a minefield of risks. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR), various Do Not Call (DNC) laws, and other regulatory statutes present a vast array of potential, costly violations.

Examining the Strategies of a TCPA Litigator

This article covers some of the most frequently used techniques by litigators, the sorts of businesses that they target, and some of the most prominent and illustrative TCPA judgments and settlements.

The TCPA During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The current, novel coronavirus pandemic that is spreading COVID-19 is causing massive upheaval worldwide. For telemarketers, this is creating uncertainty as to how regulations such as the TCPA and state laws dictate what sorts of calls are allowed during such a period of emergency.

Mississippi's DNC Registry Welcomes Business Numbers

Effective July 1, 2019, the state of Mississippi has enacted emergency rules that modify their Telephone Solicitation Act. The changes to Mississippi's DNC Registry will impact telemarketing to both residential and business numbers. Expect an increase in civil penalties for violations.

5 Major B2B Scrubbing Solutions Offer TCPA Protection

Are you a business-to-business marketer? If so, it is likely that your business has shown little concern for the TCPA and its consumer cell phone regulations. After all, you’re only seeking to solicit business on landlines which are exempt from DNC and TCPA. But in this era of rampant TCPA lawsuits, you should be as concerned as are business-to-consumer marketers.