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Webinar Recap: The FCC's NPRM - What's Next?

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We recently broadcast a webinar titled The FCC's NPRM - What's Next? Our host, Contact Center Compliance’s Chief Product Officer Isaac Shloss, and our guest, MacMurray & Shuster Partner Michele Shuster, discussed the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) ongoing process of implementing its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on lead generation and text messaging. This follows our recent webinar on the same subject with Eric J. Troutman of TCPAWorld.

Michele and Isaac discussed where things stand with this vitally important issue following the FCC’s recent meeting on the NPRM. During the meeting, the FCC officially adopted some of the rules, such as those relating to the Do Not Originate (DNO) list, while continuing to discuss some of the others, such as the potentially industry-shaking lead generation rules. To see the replay of the webinar, click here.

The discussion covered such topics as:

  • How Michele’s work with the Professional Association for Customer Engagement (PACE) relates to the FCC’s proposed rules
  • PACE’s planned comment letter to the FCC on the NPRM
  • The implications of comments by FCC commissioners on robocalls
  • How the DNO lists for carriers to block text messages are likely to be constructed and what recourse there will be for entities that are wrongly placed on the DNO lists
  • Changes to the robocall mitigation database
  • The next steps for the FCC’s planned new rules for lead generation, including plans for how PACE and other industry figures can approach the comments stage of the FCC’s rulemaking process
  • A close reading of Public Knowledge’s proposed rule that served as the instigation for these lead generation rules
  • What the likely schedule and deadline will be for comments to the FCC
  • PACE’s plans for gathering and composing comments
  • Which parts of the NPRM and Public Knowledge’s arguments are genuine and should be supported by good actors in the marketing industry
  • Arguments in favor of multi-vendor leads within single industries
  • What the FCC is proposing to add to key definitions
  • The FCC’s discussion in the NPRM of comparison shopping sites and how the eventual rule can hopefully still allow for the sort of consumer choice that these websites provide
  • The importance of making sure the FCC hears from multiple voices within the industry
  • The notable lack of discussion about the FCC’s proposed rules about disclosures and how the current plans could result in awkward and onerous communications, as well as why it is important to explain this to regulators
  • Important answers to questions from webinar participants

In addition to their roles at CCC and MacMurray & Shuster, both Isaac and Michele are heavily involved with PACE. As a result, their discussion in the webinar heavily focused on PACE’s essential role in advocating for the marketing industry. The FCC’s rules will result in significant changes to the industry and it is important to continue to follow the process of drafting and implementing those rules. Contact Center Compliance will continue to cover this subject and offer space for the perspectives of multiple experts in the marketing industry.