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TCPA Compliance Webinars

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Watch our compliance webinars, featuring various experts. Contact Center Compliance presents an ongoing series of TCPA Compliance Webinars  throughout the year. Don't miss out! Register now for our next webinar.

Latest from the FCC:

  • The Reassigned Number Database
  • STIR/SHAKEN and call blocking/labeling
  • Text Messages as Title 1
  • ATDS re-defined
Gain insights into the direction of the regulatory industry and how it may impact the legality of contact attempts, as well as the TCPA and DNC from well-known industry legal counsel Joann Needleman and LiveVox General Counsel Mark Mallah. Ms. Needleman and Mr. Mallah will share takeaways from business leaders, regulators and key lawmakers, including CFPB Acting Director, Mick Mulvaney from a recent Washington D.C. conference.